Deleting your Account

To protect you from deletion attempts by others and make the process as secure as possible, you need to log in on the app to request deletion. We've made it as quick as possible from that point.

To request deletion of your account:

What happens next

Within 30 days and possibly as soon as you submit the form, we will set off the process of deleting all personal information about you. A completely anonymous user record is kept alongside event planning activity, to support features of the app for others, but all your personal information including our "audit" tables with change history are permanently deleted. This means that even we cannot associate the data to you, which also means your data is not recoverable into a new account as we cannot confirm who created it.

Copies of the data may persist in backups for up to 90 days. These are required for full system disaster recovery and cannot be used to get back your data alone.